Art Cafe Zhaba Dushit, Volgograd

Art Cafe Zhaba Dushit, Volgograd
20 Lenina Avenue (Russian: Prospect Lenina 20), Volgograd
Location on map and coordinates
Latitude: 48.710302
Longitude: 44.523023
Last edited: December 27, 2017

The description is based on data from August 2017.

The cafe is sutuated in Central District of Volgograd.

Opening hours: Sun – Thu: from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Fri, Sat: from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.

The cafe's name literally means toad is strangling. In Russian this is an idiomatic synonym to stinginess or jealousy. The idiom is used to describe feelings of a person who wants to buy something but is hesitating because of stinginess, or when a person is upset because of having spent money, or when a person is envying somebody who is richer, more successful etc.

I don't think the cafe's name means that the prices are too high there. This is simply to create eccentric atmosphere. That's why toy toads are everywhere in the cafe.

The service was good. The waitress advised us what beverages to choose and what we should't order because of strange taste.

The cafe has two halls situated on the first and second floors.

Toad is strangling. Menu's cover
Toad is strangling. Menu's cover


This is the hall on the first floor



Table by the window



To call a waitress you should press a pig

























Dish Examples

Cheese cream soup, Okroshka
Cheese cream soup, Okroshka


Oatmeal with fried bananas and walnuts, Carbonara
Oatmeal with fried bananas and walnuts, Carbonara


Dinner for two cost 1300 rubles



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