Edem Restaurant, City Garden, Volgograd city, Russia

Edem Restaurant, City Garden, Volgograd city, Russia
Location on map and coordinates
Latitude: 48.708366
Longitude: 44.50811
Last edited: November 27, 2017

Description based on data from June 2017

The Edem restaurant is in the City Garden in Volgograd city. It has a summer terrace that overlooks City Garden’s amusement rides. We visited the restaurant and sat on the terrace, it was a good place but there was one minus: the terrace had two entrances on either side so sometimes strangers were passing. The service was good. We were waiting our order about 15 minutes.

Summer terrace
Summer terrace

The prices vary from 80 to 500 rubles for a dish. We ordered a meat pot. It cost 200 rubles for 350 grams. It had a bread cap.



Inside, the pot was looking like this



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