Pervoe, Vtoroe i Kompot Cafeteria, 11 B 7-oy Gvardeyskoy street, Volgograd city, Russia

Pervoe, Vtoroe i Kompot Cafeteria, 11 B 7-oy Gvardeyskoy street, Volgograd city, Russia
11 B 7-oy Gvardeyskoy street, Volgograd city, Russia
Location on map and coordinates
Latitude: 48.722347
Longitude: 44.535763
Last edited: November 27, 2017

The description is based on data from June 2017

A small, cozy, self-service cafeteria with modest prices. It is in Central district of Volgograd city. Its name means first course, second course, and kompot.


Salads: 25 – 50 rubles for dishes of 130 – 150 grams
First courses: 45 – 50 rubles for dishes of 250 grams
Second courses: 55 – 95 rubles for dishes of 50 – 250 grams
Side dishes: 25 – 30 rubles for dishes of 150 grams
Beverages: 15 – 20 rubles for cups of 200 ml.




Our order cost 187 rubles. It consisted of: 1 portion of noodle soup, 2 portions of apple filled pancakes, 1 portion of salad, 2 cups of tea and 2 cups of kompot:










The cafeteria is in the basement of Argo Shopping and Office Complex.



There are several entrances in the complex, only two lead to the cafeteria. One of them is in the left part of the building, pointed to by an arrow directing down. Don’t confuse it with another arrow which points to the right to another cafeteria which is in a separate building.


The second entrance is on the opposite side of the complex.

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