SuperMAN Supermarket, 17 Sovetskaya Street, Volgograd

SuperMAN Supermarket, 17 Sovetskaya Street, Volgograd
17 Sovetskaya Street
Location on map and coordinates
Latitude: 48.707003
Longitude: 44.521113
Last edited: November 20, 2017

The description is based on data from November 2017.

SuperMAN is in Central District of Volgograd.  It suggests a wide range of food products. The supermarket belongs to Volgograd «MAN» retail chain, and the «Super» prefix indicates its big size.



Opening hours: every day from 8 to 22.



The supermarket occupies a part of a huge space in which earlier Central Market was situated. Now the rest of the space is divided between shops selling numerous types of goods, for example, clothes, souvenirs, household goods, perfumes, etc.

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